Saints row 2 driving
Saints row 2 driving

saints row 2 driving

When No Man’s Sky released in 2016 the backlash was brutal. Naturally, Trove also boasts all the trappings of a classic MMO, from challenging dungeons teeming with loot, to multiplayer meeting places where you can show off your shiny new velociraptor mount. Simply hop into an adventure portal, find a plot of land, and you can drop down your base so you’ve got somewhere safe to return to between slaying sessions. As Trove is voxel-based, you build everything with simple cubes and can take those creations to any of the new open worlds you visit on your travels.

saints row 2 driving

Trove is a Minecraft-inspired MMO, and part of that inspiration is having a procedurally generated world that you’ll explore for hours on end. As such, our list of top open-world games features everything from the best FPS games to car games. The cool thing about the best open-world games is that they can come in a variety of forms: the important feature is that they allow you to explore freely. You can find accurate depictions of real-life cities or countries, huge fictional expanses with their own landmarks, complete worlds to check out – or even entire galaxies, depending on where you want to go on your next open-world gaming adventure. These days, open world can be considered its own genre. Nevertheless, it was the leap into full 3D with Grand Theft Auto 3 and The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind that really brought the idea of open-world gaming to the masses. Compare the ambitious early version of Halo to the final, more confined result, for example – and only the PC could hold sprawling regions in the very first Elder Scrolls games. From the early days of gaming, with Ultima and Lords of Midnight, open-world games have always been right at home on PC – indeed, those pesky consoles often couldn’t handle it.

Saints row 2 driving